The European Union Commission welcomes the approval of the European Tourism Agenda 2030 promoted by the European Union Council. The base of this Agenda lies on these traditional tourism pathways, which the European Union Commission publishes.

The main objective of the European Agenda for Tourism 2030 is a determination to promote sustainable tourism. The action of this Agenda’s program could be taken by the commission, European countries, the private sector, and the tourism ecosystem.

Priorities of the European Agenda

There are five priorities on the European Union Agenda. These are skills and support, digital transition, green transition, and empowering policy frameworks and governance. Many actions are taken for every priority.

These actions include distributing tourism services among various locations, lessening the impact of tourism on the environment, and promoting tourism’s accessibility.

Top 3 Priorities of the European Agenda

Among the five priorities, three are on top touch by Agenda 2030 for tourism. These are skill development, green transition, and digital transition.

Development of Skills

This Agenda meets skill development goals in the tourism ecosystem by applying the pact for skills. The European Commission launched the Pact for Skills, a sharing engagement model to develop skills in Europe.

The European skill agenda is a five-year plan. Their main focus is to help people and their businesses by developing and implementing more and better skills.

This agenda implements skills by strengthening sustainable competition, ensuring social fairness, and building resilience to react to crises like COVID-19. Many organizations play a significant role in developing skills in the tourism ecosystem.

These sectors are local or regional authorities, sectoral organizations, companies, and cross-industries. Social partners, workers, education or training providers, and employment also play an important role.

Green Transition

Tourism transport has a great impact on the environment. Therefore, climate change and forest degradation greatly threaten Europe and the world.

By considering it, the EU Council invites those members who support the decarbonization of mobility. The Green Deal of Europe made the European Union more resilient and modern.

The European Union Green Deal ensures

  • Net emissions of greenhouse gasses decrease.
  • By using resources, economic growth is doubled.

Digital Transition

The European Agenda for Tourism is also responsible for looking after the digital transitions in the tourism ecosystem. These transitions will allocate about 7. 5 billion transitions in digital technology programs.

These projects lie in fields like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills, and advanced technology integration.

These digital solutions will open many job opportunities and business ideas. Developing this trustworthy technology could lead to a sustainable economy.


The priority of the Agenda is sustainable tourism through skill development and digital, green transitions in tourism ecosystem pathways.

Their main aim is to create a modern tourism ecosystem. The Agenda is responsible for ensuring people have the skills they need. After the pandemic era, the transitions accelerated and brought about new career opportunities.